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Taking high doses of vitamins B6 and B12 over the long term may be linked to a two- to four-fold increased risk of lung cancer in men compared to non-users, a recent study suggests.

최근 연구 결과에 따르면 비타민 육, 십이 좀 오랫동안 많이 섭취하는게 두배 내배 폐암 발생률 증가시킴 ㅇ


The risk was further elevated in men who smoked and took more than 20 milligrams of B6 or 55 micrograms of B12 a day for 10 years. Men who smoked and took B6 at this high of a dose were three times more likely to develop lung cancer, while men who took B12 at such high doses were about four times more likely compared to non-users.

20밀리그람 보다 b6많이

55밀리그람보다 b12많이


담배피는 사람이 더 위험함



No such risk was identified in women.

여자한테는 그런 위험이 보이지 않았음


The study was conducted by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and National Taiwan University. It is the first prospective, observational study to look at the effects of long-term high doses of these vitamin supplements and lung cancer risk.

무슨무슨 연구팀에서 했다 - (대학수준까지 알아보긴 귀찮) - 첫번째로 이루어진 암과 비타민 보충제에 관한 광범위한 연구다 


For the study, researchers analyzed data from over 77,000 patients in the VITamins and Lifestyles (VITAL) cohort study, which is a long-term prospective observational study looking at the use of vitamin and mineral supplements and their relation to cancer risk. More than 3,200 of the men in the study were current smokers, 139 of whom already had lung cancer.

77000 환자 데이터 - 비타민과 생활습관에 관한 연구

비타민과 미네랄 보충제와 암의 관계에 관한 코홀트 스터디 함

3200명 흡연충이었고, 139명은 이미 폐암가지고있었음.


(여기서 잠깐! 코홀트 스터디란?

전향성 추적조사 - 특정 요인에 노출된 집단과 노출되지 않은 집단을 추적,  연구 대상 질병의 발생률을 비교하여 요인과 질병 발생 관계를 조사하는 연구 방법!

factor - control - study 라고 불리기도함

시간적인 개념을 포함

장점 - 비교 위험도와 귀속 위험도를 직접 측정 가능, 객관적, 부수적으로 다른 질환과의 관계도 파악가능하며, 시간적인 선후 관계를 알 수 있음

단점 - 시간과 비용적인 측면이 많이 소요)


Participants were between the ages of 50 and 76 and were recruited between 2000 and 2002.

참가자들 50~76세였음


Patients were required to report information to researchers about their use of B vitamins over the previous decade, including dosage information.

참여자들은 지난 십년동안의 비타민 B 섭취에 대한 기록들을 그 양과 함께 써내도록 요구받았음 

They then adjusted for several factors including smoking history, age, race, education, body size, alcohol consumption, history of cancer or chronic lung disease, family history of lung cancer and use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

흡연여부, 나이, 인종, 교육수준, 몸의 크기, 술쳐먹는 양, 폐암이나 폐에 관한 만성적 병에 대한 기록, 가족력, 항염증제 이런거 다 맞춰서 알아서 연구함 ㅇ


“This sets all of these other influencing factors as equal, so we are left with a less confounded effect of long-term B6 and B12 super-supplementation,” Theodore Brasky, co-author of the study, said in a statement. 

위에가 말고 딴 요소들은 다 똑같았음. 그러니 별로 왜곡 발생할 일은 없음 

(confounded effect 찾아볼사람은

https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat507/node/34 드가서 공부하셈. 나도 여기서 공부했음)


“Our data shows that taking high doses of B6 and B12 over a very long period of time could contribute to lung cancer incidence rates in male smokers. This is certainly a concern worthy of further evaluation.”

데이타는 긴 시간동안 비타민 비육 비12 꾸준히 쳐먹으면 남자 흡연자들에게 폐암 걸릴 확률이 높아진다는걸 보여줬거, 더 연구할 가치있음 ㅇ


It’s important to note that the doses noted are well above those from taking a multivitamin daily for 10 years, and are above the recommended dietary allowance.

매일 십년동안 적당한 식단과 적당한 복용량으로 멀티비타민을 먹은 사람들이라는게 중요함 


The study was published Tuesday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

걍 넘김



---- 내용 반전

However, registered dietitian Andrea D’Ambrosio says there’s no need to panic with these results. As she points out, the study is not able to make a direct link between B vitamin intake and cancer risk.

근데 여기에 존나 패닉에 빠질 이유는 없음. 비타민 B와 암 위험에 직접적 연관을 연구에서 못찾음


After taking into account the 139 male smokers with lung cancer who participated in the study, D’Ambrosio says the only concrete takeaway from the study is that male smokers have a higher risk of getting lung cancer.

걍 남자 담배피는사람만 폐암확률 높아짐


“The researcher I would say is a low-grade cohort study, and again we’re at no place to state that vitamin B12 or B6 causes lung cancer,” D’Ambrosio, of Dietetic Directions and spokesperson of Dietitians of Canada, said. “We can’t make that assumption because obviously there are other factors that would be at play.”

1. 낮은 수준의 코호트 연구

2. 비타민 b12와 비타민 b6이 폐암의 원인이 된다는 결론을 내릴 수 없음

3. 딴 원인이 작용함이 명백하기 때문에 받아들일 수 없음

(이 부분이 자세히 설명되어있어야하는데 이 인터뷰받은사람도 대충 말하고 넘어간건가?? )


But D’Ambrosio does acknowledge that excessive intake of any vitamin supplement without the advice of a medical professional can be harmful.

근데 존나 비타민 많이 쳐먹는게 위험할수 있다는건 인정함


For example, high doses of vitamin C when it’s not necessary can cause diarrhea, she says.

비타민씨 과용하면 설사가능


With vitamin B6 however, it’s not a vitamin that is of particular concern because many people already eat foods in their diets rich in that vitamin.

근데 비타민 B6는 가만히 있어도 존나 섭취하기 때문에 별로 특별한 고려대상은 아님


“It’s not really a vitamin of concern,’ D’Ambrosio says. “Yes, there is a toxic upper limit set for it as well, in which case yes – taking vitamins in excessive amount can be harmful for your health. I think that’s the important takeaway from this, that if you don’t need to take vitamins then we need to emphasize getting those vitamins from our dietary intake.”

존나 많이 쳐먹고 있다면 굳이 섭취할필요는 없음


With vitamin B12, she adds, supplements can be good for certain groups of people with health and medical conditions who have a difficult time absorbing B12. In these cases, a medical professional like a doctor or dietitian will prescribe the vitamins to these patients.

B12섭취못하는 상태인 몸이 따로 있는데, 그런사람들에게 비타민 b12 보충제 도움이 됨 - 이때는 의사나 영양사가 그런 환자들에게 처방가능


B12 levels are often a concern for vegetarians and vegans, D’Ambrosio points out because it’s a vitamin that is found in animal meats and animal proteins, such as chicken, beef, some fortified cereals, fish, eggs and milk. So they’ll often be advised by their doctor or dietitian to take B12 supplements.

채식주의자는 섭취해라. 씨리얼, 생선, 달걀 우유 안쳐먹잖아. - 또 의사 영양사 뭐라뭐라


Unlike B6, vitamin B12 has no toxic upper limit.

비타민 B6과는 다르게 비타민 12에는 독성에 관한 상한선이 없음



“Educate yourself and just know that vitamins should still be taken with caution,” D’Ambrosio advises. “It should be used as a secondary measure to your diet at the advice of a medical professional.”

스스로 공부하고 위험에대해선 인지하고 있어라.  전문가의 조언에 따른 부차적인 것으로 사용되어야 한다. (대충 병걸렸는데 비타민으로 때울려하지 말고 의사찾아가라 이런 이야기인듯)



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